Aug 6, 2023Liked by Robin Applegarth

Another Grand slam post, thanks Robin.

I was amazed at the length of the snake in the video you provided. According to Wikipedia the males average 5'11" and the females average 6'7" some are 8' long. Impressive!

Reptilian camouflage is so very effective and fascinates me. Like you in your desert home I encounter the prairie rattler several times each summer. The live and let live philosophy is always the preferred option, however, snoozing by the backdoor is definitely considered trespassing.

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Aug 6, 2023Liked by Robin Applegarth

Wow! What a chilling experience… It shows the uneasy balance between nature and humans and respect for each

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Aug 6, 2023Liked by Robin Applegarth

Really enjoyed your snake tale! What incredible adventures you must have had during all those weeks!

I’ve rescued a few snakes over the years. A few times stopping traffic to let them cross the road.

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Aug 6, 2023Liked by Robin Applegarth

P.S. At the Leakey compound in Kenya (Tanzania?) Richard Leakey held a Black Mamba to show us. I backed off!

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Aug 6, 2023Liked by Robin Applegarth

I, too, love snakes. My cat once in a great while brings in a garter snake. I've rescued it and relocated it in the defunct compost bin. Warm and safe. When I check later in the day, no snake, so I know it's safe somewhere.

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